Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Nerd Night Announcements

Greetings Fellow Nerds,

I'd like to start the Nerd Night Post by extending a big "screw you" to the losers who took the url As such, our url is Tell your friends.

Nerd night will be held this Monday, January 12, at seven o'clock at Kimber's den of iniquity. We will be writing the James Bond script. Nolan will be playing James Bond.


  1. Thizzis Grant.
    1.) Call your "den of iniquity" the "Deniquity" instead. It takes less syllables.
    2.) Every Bond movie has Bond shooting people and watching women dance during the opening credits. I had a dream two weeks ago that I was Bond during the opening credits, but I just kept on shooting people, and the credits ended and the movie was supposed to start, but I was still in "shoot-them-ALL" mode. So I kept going and reloading my gun and I ended shooting all these handicapped people in a public park because there was a risk that they would grab guns from the thugs I'd killed. Or I was just shooting handicapped people with no risk. Then I woke up.
    3.) Nolan is James Bond, as he should be. Devin should be the standard American Agent that shows up, or, you know, the cameraman. Jarret should be the trademark Invincible Assassin Enemy Agent. Robot, if he's even willing to participate, should be the Criminal Mastermind. Because she's a girl, Kimber is supposed to be the Beautiful Double Agent, but since she really can't pull that off and wouldn't be able to keep herself off Nolan, she should just be the Criminal Mastermind when Robot refuses to.

  2. We were actually thinking of putting a wig on Jerret and having him be the love interest. Also Kimber I am so happy this blog is up. Nerd Night is now virtual.

  3. I also suggest a point wall be added to this blog. That way I can check up on myself and see if I'm better than Satan.

  4. When will I get taken down from the wall? Am I already gone and forgotten? Y'all better save my card for the future, or else I'll make a new and better wall card when I rematerialize in Utah.

  5. Grant currently you are at the bottom of the wall. This is because your attendance has been lacking.
    Also we are going to hold a funeral for you next week. When you come back to Utah we can hold a Voodoo cult resurrection to raise you back from the dead.

  6. Kimber I just realized something of utmost importance. A couple seconds ago I listened to a Nerd Night recording and in the recording it mentioned Nolan's awesome one shot story of Jack Off Good killing Jarret. Also the story had an illustration of Kimber. I was just wondering if that ever made it into the Nerd Night Notebook and if not then why?

  7. I just realized something funny. You extended a big "screw you" to the owners of because they never posted and just took up url space. Well... yeah.

  8. We should just start announcing nerd night things in this comment thread.

  9. Alright fellow Nerd Nighters, I have decided to start announcing upcoming Nerd Nights here in this comment thread. We would do regular posts like normal people but Kimber in her infinite wisdom decided not to share the glory of the password and username and then promptly forgot them both so that nobody can do anything. waah.
    No I will not tell people I am doing this comment-announcing. When they finally look at this blog and discover it then hopefully it will brighten their day a little. Plus this feels kind of weird and immature. This comment will not have an announcement but the next one will. Look for the Daywalker name when reading for announcements.

  10. Thank you for waiting. Next Nerd Night is planned as Bonfire Night. It's meant to be a night where we head up to Kimber's parent's house and roast marshmallows and shish-kebobs over an open pit fire. yummy. But whether these plans will actually come to fruition is yet to be seen. You see, lately Kimber has been quite the hot item with some of the boys at Nerd Night. To make a long story short, Kimber dumped Jacob, Jarret is dating Kimber, and now Jacob and Jarret hate each other. It's quite possible that this upcoming "Bonfire Night" may be bonfires of a different variety. I'm bringing my video camera.
    Oh and Nerd Night is on Tuesday at 7:00 this week. It is subject to change.

  11. Alright me again with the Nerd Night announcements. Last week actually turned into Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness night. We moved Bonfire up to a later date. No fights erupted between fatty and primadonna much to my dismay:( I really did bring a video camera.
    So next week is (delivered in a voice similar but not exactly like the Crypt Keeper's) "The Tunnel". We are cramming all our stinky butts in someone's car and driving down to Spanish Fork somewhere where we'll go into an old mining tunnel and get killed by a bear, or worse.

    Just don't say I didn't warn you.
    Oh and remember how I said Nerd Night time is subject to change? Well change it did. Back to Monday. Nerd Night is about as flakey with a consistent time as Kimber is with dudes. Just kidding.

  12. You wanna know something? If Loverboy 1 or 2(aka Jarret and Jacob) don't show up to Nerd Night it probably would not be cancelled. But if DEVIN or KIMBER can't come then it is dropped like Brittney Spear's baby. Kimber is a given. Since it's held at her place she can choose to drop Nerd Night forever and instead just have Jarret make out sessions every week. But Devin? it's because if I'm not there the level of ex-boyfriend awkward becomes so strong that Satan will materialize into a Giant dick and stab everyone in the face.

    Or it will just be quiet and weird. Either one.
    If you guessed Nerd Night was cancelled last week because Devin took a trip down to Goblin Valley with family and relatives. It was fun thanks for asking. Next week will be BLOW STUFF UP NIGHT. Michael Bay will be attending

  13. Out of about 35 people invited to "Blow Stuff Up Night" only one decided to come. One Cockfag even preferred going to a lecture instead of hanging with us. A LECTURE. And one dick named Faggot (aka Fred) thought it would be a good idea to take an extra shift at work, AFTER WE INVITED HIM AND TOLD HIM TO SAVE THE DATE. And everyone else who didn't come is gay and stupid. But I suppose everyone is still invited to come next week. sigh.

    The creepy baby extends his mug as an invitation to show up Thursday night at Kimber's den of iniquity.
    And we need you to come. We lost another nerd nighter. Jacob says he isn't coming anymore. C'mon people! I need someone that I can make fun of! Also, this week is going to be bonfire night in case you wondered. Bring hot dogs.

  14. Nerd Night is in a crisis!!! We need more Nerd Nighters! Nerd Night should NOT crumble when ONE person leaves on a trip for five days. It's ridiculous. And the only person I can think to point the finger at is Fred.
    Fred, the person who seemed cool and hip and then ditched us forever so that he could earn money instead. So Kimber, thinking Fred was still groovy changed Nerd Night to Thursday night to accommodate his tan ass. Then he still didn't show up. Well Fred, this is for you:

    The nerd gods are displeased. But even you can still attain forgiveness, if you come this thursday and act like you enjoy being our friend. And bring a scary story. It's Scary Night.

  15. Two weeks without Nerd Night. I have gone TWO WEEKS WITHOUT NERD NIGHT. It's like a drug you know. My weekly happy pill. I need it. This is what happens when Devin doesn't get his dose of apatheticness in the form of KimJarret:

    Handicapped midgets kill people. Thats what.
    To be honest, I have no idea what's happening this week. It's probably Ihop night like it is every week. Show up anyways if you need an excuse to get out of something Thursday night. Bring money.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Thank you responsibility. Why do I thank you? Because for a third week in a row you have prevented Nerd Night from happening. It's ironic, get it? How I thank you for sucking? get it... nevermind.
    Anyways, at the moment I'm not feeling very angsty. I promise next week will have a more piss-ridden tone to it. But until then enjoy Rob trying to high five you.

    If you hold your hand up to the screen it's like your really there!!
    This week is going to be Grant night. If you have one, bring your Grant. Otherwise marvel at the Grant that I'm bringing.
    P.S. the deleted comment above is just this exact same post with less stuff in it. I felt like editing a little. suck it

  18. If you don't count the three grump butt people(Kimber, Jarret, and someone named Devin) and the one illiterate zombie(Grant was a zombie for six hours), then Grant night was a smashing success. We even lit a fire and watched Dead Alive, one of the best zombie movies ever. So actually, not too much to report on. Here's your weekly picture. Make of it what you will.

    The upcoming activity for this week is Choose your Own Adventure: Scary Version. I will be bringing popcorn. You can bring a pen.

  19. Kimber please talk to Jarret(and me too while your at it). He is worried. You could even say, "Don't talk to me right now". But instead you say nothing. Absolutely nothing.
    Look I absolutely know you're going through a hard time right now. But friends can help. Even Freddie Mercury can help. Give him a chance.

    Ok that was gay. Especially since once you finally discover this it will be weeks or months(hopefully not years) from now. Feel welcome to laugh at me.
    This week will be Jarret and Devin Night. We be covering Kyle's condoms in Jello. Bring Jello mix.

  20. la de da Devin here with your Nerd Night update!!!
    We didn't really cover Kyle's condom's in Jello. That would have been too innocent. Instead Jarret and I tried to do all the things that Kimber would never let us do. Like film Devin making really bad impressions of all the people in our direct circle. Or play Halo. Or even have a dildo fight. Yuparoo, liberty tastes AWESOME.

    Freedom bitches.
    Nerd Night will resume it's normal course this coming Thursday. We will be going to the movie theatre and watching Inglorious Basterds. Bring Kimber.

  21. Inglorious Basterds. It was awesome. Even awesomer than this:

    Nerd Night this week will be a trip to the BYU (f)art museum. It will probably be boring and not very fun. But we do it anyways because we CAN. Back when Jacob attended nerdgasm night his foot "broke"(I am confident he really just sprained it a little when he did foot masturbation). And coincidentally he only announced his "broken" foot after we suggested we go to the art museum. Suspicious a bit? Yeah he probably did the foot masturbation five minutes prior in Kimber's bathroom THAT NIGHT.
    Holy mother, I am the next Sherlock Holmes.
    You know what? I don't know what you should bring this week. But bring clothing. We don't want to see you naked.

  22. Last week's field trip didn't happen because of Kimber-related issues. I don't mean to pick on Kimby wimby though since right now she's going through some personal troubles. Here's your obligatory picture. Behold!

    This week will be the actual trip to the art museum. Attend and be joyous. Bring food. I'm hungry

  23. It appears that I will no longer be posting the Nerd Night Announcements in this comment thread. Although I know this sudden statement will evoke an emotional response from your tear ducts, I urge you to choke back your tears and look forward with hope. Please, if nothing else just think of a basket full of puppies, and smile because its cute.
    Here is a picture I always wanted to post but never found the chance.

    You know judging from Kimby's and Jar-bears silence on the subject I don't think they ever discovered my elaborate commenting/news scheme. Oh and one last thing. If you find yourself developing stomach ulcers and suddenly bursting into spontaneous crying fits then you should just head over to where Nerd Night announcements will be posted from now on. Bring the internet.
